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Diagnostics in personnel development

Revolutionize your personnel development!


  • Do you want a clear strategy for personnel development in your company and career paths that are multidimensional?

  • In the future, should the assessment of potential be based on more than a (subjective) assessment by the specialist department?

  • Ideas for employee development opportunities can become an influencing factor in reducing fluctuation in your company?

  • Is your company coming out of a phase of major change or growth and should there be more room for personnel development?

  • Do you no longer want a career to be associated only with management tasks and the motto “The best will be the boss” no longer shape your career path?

  • Do you want the benefits of a development measure to be more clearly visible and measurable?

  • Do you want to replace the previous scattergun approach of “same measure for all” with new findings?

When it comes to personnel development, today more than ever it is important to think outside the box!

Because in addition to acquired skills, there is untapped potential in each of us. For this reason, it is important for us to distinguish between skills and potential:


We understand competence to be skills that a person has acquired over the course of their life. This means combining abilities, experience and knowledge in such a way that job-related tasks can be completed independently and responsibly. In order to meet (future) challenges, personal and social skills as well as action competence are required in addition to specialist knowledge. Competencies can usually be measured through performance tests.


By potential, however, we define an existing, as yet unexploited possibility. The word comes from the Latin "potentia" - and means something like strength or power. Recognizing this developable performance option is the prerequisite for offering targeted support.

It is therefore worthwhile to assess potential as well as skills. Career plans – especially in small and medium-sized companies – do not always have to be straightforward.


Basis of a well-founded personnel development plan:

Strategische Personalplanung

What personnel needs will the company have in the future? What can be covered internally and what needs to be filled externally?

Knowledge of your own personnel structure

Ensuring the technical or motivational competence and resources to work on these topics

Consider outsourcing if necessary

Survey of personal needs and wishes

Erhebung eines individuellen Stärken- und Kompetenzprofils

A diagnostic basis is helpful here

The YES to the employee

Derive measures and think “out-of-the-box”

  • Professional development

  • On-the-job training

  • Job enrichment and job enlargement

Define schedule and implement measures



How can potential diagnostics help in career planning?

Survey of existing competencies and potential

Making discrepancies in self-image and abilities visible

SHOULD/IS Comparison of a requirement profile to a candidate

Making differences in conscious and unconscious desires and motives visible

Sichtbarmachen von Motivatoren

Recognizing personal challenges as a basis for development steps

Making development opportunities visible

Basis for an optimal job-person fit, also in comparison with the team and organizational structures

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